Outreach Automation for LinkedIn - The Ultimate Guide

One effective tactic to maximize the efficiency of your networking efforts on LinkedIn is outreach automation. You may effectively engage with a wider audience without compromising personalization by automating repetitive operations like follow-ups, connection requests, and message sequences. This tutorial explains how to use automation tools to improve engagement, maximize your LinkedIn outreach, and create lasting business connections. In the always changing world of LinkedIn, discover how to leverage outreach automation to improve your networking and achieve desired outcomes, from creating captivating messages to automating sequences.

What is Outreach On LinkedIn? 

Sending messages and connection requests to prospective customers via LinkedIn is known as LinkedIn outreach. It's the greatest approach to widen your network, connect with, acquaint yourself with, and cultivate a good rapport with your prospects. 

Benefits of LinkedIn outreach

1. Higher Response Rate
LinkedIn is a social networking site where you can find out different details about your leads. Having said that, real engagement and customisation are the keys to successful LinkedIn outreach. Having said that, you can search for any information to tailor your message by checking through your lead's profile. You may use whatever you discover—a shared post or a mutual relationship, for example—in your outreach message to improve the likelihood that someone would accept it and respond.

2. Get in Touch WithOutstanding B2B Leads With Ease 

LinkedIn is used by over 900 million professionals globally, across all industries. That this audience (LinkedIn) has twice the purchasing power of the average web audience makes sense. As a result, sales teams may unwind knowing that with the right filters and innovative LinkedIn lead generation strategies, they will be able to find the best qualified business-to-business prospects for their organization. 

3. Find the Appropriate Employees 

One of LinkedIn's best features is the ability for recruiters to post job openings for free. To find the ideal employee for their business, they may, however, also make advantage of a larger talent pool and actively seek out the top candidates for employment. 4. Determine B2B Prospects with Greater Accuracy 

It's no longer difficult for marketers to find specialists on Facebook or Instagram. As an alternative, they may easily find and get in touch with their potential leads thanks to LinkedIn advertising's targeting and retargeting options. They can also spread the word about their product or service. By employing sponsored InMail advertising to reach their target demographic, LinkedIn marketers may get a conversion rate that is twice as high. 

5. Break Through the barrier to speak with recruiters. 

Websites with job postings cannot be used to contact recruiters. Conversely, you may search for, connect with, and contact hiring managers at the company of your dreams using LinkedIn. This is not possible on other sites, so you may talk about why you are the best person for the job and get comments on your application. 

Which is preferable, LinkedIn or email outreach? 

LinkedIn and email channels are both widely used for outreach. 
In actuality, LinkedIn's social networking platform promotes more genuine communication amongst its users. However, cold email outreach is distant and sometimes viewed as spam since, among other things, you can't always see and find out more about the person behind the email. 

1. Additionally, the result can be measured and shown numerically

For example, according to the official LinkedIn learning courses, the average InMail response rate is between 18 and 25%. On the other hand, there are two reasons why the typical response rate to cold emails is a meagre 3%. 

First, LinkedIn sends a few alerts and reminders to prospects following a communication. If the leads have the LinkedIn app installed on their phone, they will also receive a notification. It will also be harder for your prospect to ignore or forget to reply if you send a follow-up message because LinkedIn will send the same amount of alerts. 
Lastly, you may easily find your ICP and the individuals that work there if you use LinkedIn. You may instantly establish a connection with potential customers in this way without having to switch between several platforms. Considering the power of LinkedIn, we must acknowledge email as the outreach channel since some users prefer email communication or are not active on the platform. 

2. LinkedIn outreach strategies 

Since some users prefer email communication or are not active on LinkedIn, we must acknowledge email as the outreach channel given the platform's power.

3. Direct communication 

Once the lead accepts your invitation, they become your first-degree connection and you can message them directly. This message functions as both chat and email because it's sent straight to your lead's inbox along with the notification attached. Moreover, direct messages may contain anywhere from 1142 to 2000 words due to its 8,000 character limit. 

4. Requests for relationships 

In your first communication to your second and third-degree relationships, you might include a request for a connection. 
Please try to make your personal message short and simple as there is a 300 character limit on this chilly message. One way to establish a connection is by discussing the event they attended or by bringing up a mutual link. 

5. InMail Messages 

If a lead is unresponsive to your connection or takes a while to answer, you may always send a LinkedIn InMail. The body of these InMail messages can have up to 1900 characters, while the subject line can only contain 200 characters. These communications are formatted similarly to emails. But keep in mind that shorter InMails get more replies. 
Please try to make your personal message short and simple as there is a 300 character limit on this chilly message. One way to establish a connection is by discussing the event they attended or by bringing up a mutual link. 

These documents reflect the qualities of your ideal leads and the company they work for. They are the cornerstone of creating high-quality leads and usually contain information on job titles, the industry they work in, the size of the firm, pain points, and other facts. 

Your current customer data, such as who: 

•    Has the fastest buying cycle; 
•    Maintains a high retention rate; and  
•    And promotes your product elsewhere, is the greatest place to start when creating an ICP and Buyer Persona. 

Additionally, strive to make these materials as useful as possible. Put another way, design the requirements so that you may use them for prospecting using advanced search filters in Sales Navigator, Recruiter, and LinkedIn, or for LinkedIn outreach messaging. 
To obtain leads, create lists and use LinkedIn search. 

The next step is to identify prospects who match your Buyer Persona and ICP. 
If you create leads with Sales Navigator or LinkedIn Recruiter, you are probably already familiar with the various advanced search criteria. After that, make a list of possible clients or bookmark the search URL for the next step. 

LinkedIn automated outreach: Set up your campaign 

We use a range of technologies these days to help us with our everyday tasks. So, it seems to reason that experts in sales, marketing, and hiring should do the same. 
One such remedy is the automation tool for LinkedIn. Many experts now view these technologies as crucial since they make outreach tasks that take a lot of time easier to accomplish. 

Write a message to be distributed on LinkedIn. 

Message craft is essential for LinkedIn outreach to be successful. So here's a helpful hint for you. Any message, be it via email, InMail, or connection request, should generally contain one of the following: Include your background, the purpose of your outreach, personalized points, the hook, and a solution to the issue.

Top  LinkedIn outreach strategies

When creating outreach messages, it's important to keep in mind that people's attention spans are typically 8.25 seconds (The Treetop Therapy). However, one should steer clear of longer words and sentences that produce TLDR. We start our LinkedIn outreach efforts by sending your leads shorter messages. 

Try to avoid using fillers in your LinkedIn messages, such as "I hope all is well," "I was just wondering," "Have you had a chance to," "Just checking in," "I'm following up on," and similar statements. 

1. Offer a complimentary resource. 

In your early correspondence, avoid pitching. Alternatively, before you start a conversation, learn more about the lead's workflow and areas of concern.By starting your sales outreach in this way, you avoid coming across as intrusive and will have greater success. As payment, you get the data you require to modify your proposal. 

2. Customize

Reaching out on LinkedIn should start with this basic strategy. By creating tailored messages, we create a deeper relationship with the recipients and eliminate all generic correspondence. As it opens the door to higher acceptability and response rates, this is the perfect base for social selling. 

When personalizing your LinkedIn outreach messages, you might include their first name or job title. But, as we'll cover below, there are more exhaustive approaches. 

3. Make use of your connections 

You come out as more trustworthy and sincere the more similarities you have with your target market. Still, your LinkedIn outreach can succeed or fail based on how you come across. 
Making use of your shared contacts is one approach to add resemblance to your LinkedIn messages. People are more likely to accept your invitation, for instance, if you suggest someone they know.

4. Turn attendees of events into leads 

Finding the best qualified leads can be done creatively with LinkedIn lead creation. One of those creative ways is to reach out to event attendees. 
You can find events on LinkedIn that revolve on the particular problem that your company answers with a product or service. After that, you can concentrate on people who are already open to your outreach message. 

5. Make use of AI to boost your outreach

In less than a year, the idea of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives has evolved from a futuristic concept to a crucial aspect of our personal and professional lives. 
There are several places where ChatGPT and AI-assisted solutions can help you expedite the LinkedIn outreach process. To make the AI-generated writing sound as natural as possible and to adjust it to various leads and situations, it is crucial to emphasize the value of human intervention. 

6. AI-supported LinkedIn Direct Messages 

LinkedIn now provides AI-assisted InMail writing to its paying members in recognition of the importance of InMails and its undeniable success rates. 
To begin, simply click the Write with AI button, select an outreach scenario from the list, and open the InMail message window. 
Are you prepared to reach out on LinkedIn?
That concludes the LinkedIn lead generation process! It's been an amazing journey.
You cannot, of course, memorize everything in this article. So that you can go to it later and refresh your memory on LinkedIn lead generating best practices, be sure to bookmark it.


1. What is the success rate of LinkedIn outreach? 
Reaching out on LinkedIn usually has a fairly good success rate, albeit it depends on your goals and level of customisation. For example, one of our sales team's efforts had the following outcomes: out of 2782 connections sent, 33% were accepted, and 17% were answered. In certain cases, the results are noticeably greater. 

2. What is a fair amount of connections on LinkedIn? 
The precise number of links you can make depends on your objectives, but up to 30,000 are feasible. For example, recruiters and salesmen need to make as many connections as possible in order to reach people outside of their network and generate more leads.
3. Does making connections on LinkedIn make sense? 
Yes, in fact. LinkedIn prospecting assists you in identifying your Buyer Persona and ICP by utilizing filtering characteristics such as industry or company size. Moreover, you can get in touch with your prospects beyond LinkedIn by utilizing the publicly available contact information—such as phone numbers or email addresses—that is usually listed on their LinkedIn profiles. 

4. Which is better on LinkedIn, following people or connections? 
Followers and relationships are equally important, so it all depends on your goals. Obtaining followers, for example, might be more advantageous for you if you are a LinkedIn marketer who wishes to focus on content sharing. However, since building relationships is essential to selling well, salespeople stand to benefit more from their connections.